We are so thrilled to chat with Susan Schild, author of Sweet Southern HeartsHere, Susan shares a few facts about herself and gives us a sneak peak into her workspace!

What is your favorite scene in your book-

I laugh every time I read the part about the women learning to drive the RV, and I do like the scene when Mama accidentally goes to jail. (Could have happened to anyone.)

 most challenging chapter to write

The first one is usually the hardest because I am working to jump start the story and give you quick intros to the characters. No meandering allowed or I’ll lose my readers.

What’s on your nightstand-

A pile of books, and a big ole thermos cup of ice water.

what is your writing process

I jot down story ideas all the time: in the car, in restaurants. Have a general sense of what I’m going to write, and then with the structure of a synopsis and outline, take off on the book. My main theme will always be happily ever afters at any age, so that’s an anchor for my writing, too.

My lovely readers. They tell me my books make them feel like they’ve been introduced to a homey, warm neighborhood full of friends. To honor them, I need to continue to create engaging, relatable, kind folks that would fit into the neighborhood.

 What book inspires you most? Tell us below!