
We are so thrilled to chat with Katrina Willis, author of Parting Gifts, coming this April! Here, Katrina shares a few fun facts about her and the five books that have inspired her writing most!

What is on your nightstand-

Two precarious and ever-expanding stacks of books to be read… and about a pound of dog hair.

What is on your nightstand- (2)

So many to choose from, but I think “neediness” tops the list. And a fear of driving people away. I guess those kinda go hand-in-hand.

What is on your nightstand- (3)

A cute, kitschy coffee shop with free wifi and free refills. 

What is on your nightstand- (4)

RestoReview (29)

The Chronology of Water by Lidia Yuknavich

No one has affected my writing quite like Lidia. She gives me — she gives all of us — permission to own our own stories, to break the rules, to write outside the box. In person, she is soft and gentle and kind. And she is also fierce and fabulous and fearless. She is everything I aspire to be.

Tiny Beautiful Thing by Cheryl Strayed

Much like Lidia, Cheryl is a kind, powerful force of nature. This little book is one I return to time and time again when I am searching for something, for anything. There is always an answer within.

Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott

Annie’s “shitty first drafts” wisdom gives me all the permission I need.

The Secret History by Donna Tartt

Sometimes you read the right book at the right time and it changes everything for you. This was one of those books. The power and beauty and substance of a young Donna Tartt’s words have guided and inspired my own sentences for over two decades.

On Writing by Stephen King

I’m a bit of a chicken, so I don’t read Stephen’s other works. But this one? Essential for every writer. The link between his own life and his storied life is beautifully illuminated.

 What are the five books that inspire you most? Tell us below!