Vote for BookSparks’ First Book Club Pick

We are starting an online book club that our team and our fans can be a part of and we want your help selecting our first read! Our team members have nominated eight potential titles. Vote for the one you think should be our first pick or nominate your own! You can choose from our BookSparks clients or any other recent read.

The Woman In Cabin 10 by Ruth Ware

A haunting novel set at sea.

Mischling by Affinity Konar

Twins struggle to survive World War II.

The Female of the Species by Mindy McGinnis

A dark, contemporary YA novel.Ā 

The Spy by Paulo Coelho

The enchanting tale of Mata Hari.Ā 

The Girls by Emma Cline

An unflinching story of girls and women.

The Dry by Jane Harper

A stunning, atmospheric debut.

The Swans of Fifth Avenue by Melanie Benjamin

Historical fiction with some major heat.

Cruel Beautiful World by Caroline Leavitt

A mesmerizing portrait of love, sisters and family.

Nominate Your Own Title

Choose from ourĀ BookSparks CatalogueĀ or nominate your favorite recent title. Make your nomination in the comments below!