This month, we’re excited to welcome back an amazing client and extend a first-time welcome to all of our new authors and publishers, too. And, be sure to check the book birthdays for the month and wish these incredible authors a Happy Pub Day!

61LB8dLSZRL._SX335_BO1,204,203,200_The incredible Meg Mitchell Moore is back with BookSparks again to share her newest novel, The Admissions. The book followsĀ the have-it-all Hawthornes as their perfect life begins to come apart at the seams thanks to long buried secrets and college admissions essays.

It’s such a good read, Elin Hilderbrand, New York TimesĀ bestselling author ofĀ Beautiful DayĀ andĀ The Matchmaker,Ā calls it her “money-back guarantee of 2015”!

She says:
“Every once in a while I read a book so good that the quality of my entire life improves.Ā The AdmissionsĀ by Meg Mitchell Moore is aĀ fun, fast-paced, completely engrossingĀ tale of a California family trying to get their eldest daughter into Harvard.Ā Let me rave:Ā this book is brilliant and enjoyable on every level. I LOVED IT! It’s my money-back guarantee of 2015.”
ā€”Elin Hilderbrand

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Lauren “Bird” HorowitzĀ joins BookSparks withĀ Shattered Blue, the first book in the Light Trilogy. It tells the story of 16-year-old Noa and the mysterious transfer student who catches her eye but may not be all that he appears to be.

Jill Dearman joins us to share her new novel coming in November.Ā The Great Bravura tells the dark tale of Bravura and Susie, who are partners in magic, best friends and occasional bedmates.

We are excited to welcome St. Martin’s Press to the BookSparks family and to work with them on promotingĀ Pretending to Dance by Diane Chamberlain.

Lee Kelly joins us to promote her upcoming novelĀ A Criminal Magic, a new magic realism crossover novel that’s being calledĀ The Night Circus meetsĀ The Peaky Blinders.

A big BookSparks “welcome!” to these authors and publishers. We look forward to helping you share your story!


Please take a moment to wish these authors a very happy “pub day” with a tweet or Facebook likeĀ this month!

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August 4, 2015

Brigitte Quinn –Ā Anchored
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Barbara Taylor Sissel –Ā Crooked Little Lies
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Elise Miller –Ā Star Craving Mad
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Luke Reynolds –Ā The Looney Experiment

Andee Reilly –Ā SatisfactionĀ 
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Alane Adams –Ā The Red SunĀ 
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August 11, 2015
Kris Radish –Ā The Year of Necessary Lies

August 18, 2015
Kristin Contino – The Legacy of Us
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Sandra Denneler –Ā Oh What a Treat!Ā 

August 28, 2015
Leah Lax –Ā Uncovered