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What I’m Reading: Across the Universe by Beth Revis

Jody Hedlum wrote a fabulous post last month called “10 Simple Ways to Support Authors You Love,” that we at BookSparks PR thought was great advice – advice we can relate to. As Jody says in her article, until you are published, you often don’t realize what an impact your support makes.

Here are some of the highlights we found in the article, with a few of our own thoughts added in as well:

1. Write a review and post it on Amazon

These reviews often influence what people buy on Amazon. So many books are purchased on Amazon these days that your reviews help to make that book you love stand out. Once you have written this one review, you can simply copy and paste it onto other sites like Goodreads, Barnes and Noble or Shelfari.

2. Share your thoughts on your social media accounts

Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr – whatever your poison, word of mouth is incredibly helpful. It helps to garner buzz about the book. People are much more likely to pick up a book that is recommended by a friend than one recommended by a business or someone they don’t know.

3. Share a copy of the book with friends and family

Buy the book as a gift, or pass your copy on to a friend and ask them to pass it along once they’ve finished reading.

What other ways do you support authors you love?