For our #SRC2014 BONUS week, we are pleased to host a short interview with New York Times Bestselling author, Rainbow Rowell!



1.    What was the inspiration behind your book?

I was thinking about a story where a woman loses her cellphone, and then her whole life falls apart. Somehow, thirty minutes later, that concept had become: A woman finds a way to call her husband in the past. I’ve always loved time travel or time-twisting stories, and I think I wanted to see if I could pull one off. Also, I really, really like to write dialogue, so all the phone conversations in Landline were a dream for me.


2.       What is the strangest fan encounter that’s ever happened?

If I’ve had a strange fan encounter, I’m probably the one who made it strange. When people get excited about my books, I get excited, too. Sometimes people bring me art inspired my books, and I freak out a little bit.


3.       Knowing what you know now, what publishing advice would you give yourself when you were first starting out?

Just finish your book. I was so worried about making my first book perfect, and so intimidated about getting an agent — I got caught up in feeling confused and feeling like I didn’t know the exact, right way to proceed. It kept me from making real progress.


4.       What is your favorite summer beach read ever? What are you reading this summer?

This question always makes me laugh because I have never once thought, “It’s summer. I better adjust my reading accordingly.” (Maybe my problem is that I don’t like beaches unless they’re rocky and cold …) I’ve been avoiding fantasy while I write my own YA fantasy. Now that I have a first draft done, my plan is to read all the books I’ve missed. Leigh Bardugo’s Grisha trilogy. Lev Grossman’s The Magician’s Land. Holly Black’s The Coldest Girl in Coldtown and The Darkest Part of the Forest.


5.       What are you most looking forward to this summer?

We’re taking our kids to Scotland! I’m counting on it being awesome – there better be cold, rocky beaches there.


Find more about Rainbow:
