Friday Five – Princess Diaries Edition

Fri-YAY is here! This week we’d like to celebrate one of our favorite movies: The Princess Diaries, starring Anne Hathaway and Julie Andrews! Can you believe this classic movie recently turned 16 years old?!  Take a look at this week’s BIG wins paired with our favorite Princess Diaries GIFs.

Song“Catch A Falling Star” (from Princess Diaries)

Instagram Crush@everyfreechance

Movie – The Princess Diaries

Our #BookSparksBookClub pick Emma in The Night by Wendy Walker was featured on Entertainment Weekly’s MUST LIST!

Emma Robert’s book club Belletrist shared #SRC2017 read Girl in Snow by Danya Kukafka on Instagram!

 The New York Times called Emma in The Night by Wendy Walker “a thriller that keeps readers guessing.” Read the full review here.

Sherry Stanfa-Stanley (Finding My Badass Selfwrote a inspirational piece for Healthy Aging on how she responded to her cancer diagnosis.

One of our #SRC2017 reads, Sour Heart by Jenny Zhang, was showcased on USA Today’s picks for best weekend reads.

Brit + Co shared 10 books to tide you over until fall TV is back, including The Goddesses by Swan Huntley, The Cottingley Secret by Hazel Gaynor, One Dark Throne by Kendare Blake and more!

I’m The Who Got Got Away by Andrea Jarrell was featured in book round-ups on Bustle, Booklist, Redbook and BookTribI’m The Who Got Got Away was also featured on our #SRC2017 ambassador’s @bookbaristas Instagram:

Christine Evelyn Volker, author of Venetian Blood, announced that she will be donating book sales from her event to local charities. Get all of the event details in The Richmond Standard and East Bay Times.

Kirkus Reviews called It Never Ends: Mothering Middle-Aged Daughters by Nan Fink Gefen and Sandra Butler, “An important personal and sociological perspective on women’s lives.” Read the full review here. Sandra also wrote a guest post for Motherhood Later…Than Sooner.

Anne Leigh Parish, author of Women Within wrote a guest post on BookRiot about the secrecy and shame women carry. San Francisco Book Review and Manhattan Book Review also published positive reviews for Women Within

Foreword Reviews called Finding My Badass Self by Sherry Stanfa-Stanley, “…a reminder of how rewarding it is to push your self-imposed limitations.” Read the full review here.

What an incredible week for BookSparks authors!