Donna Stoneham chats with Huffington Post, Barbara Taylor Sissel and Elise A. Miller are featured summer reads on BuzzFeed, Carol Lynch Williams speaks about Never Said with School Library Journal,  Huffington Post asks questions about balancing life with Susie Schnall, and Brigitte Quinn is featured on CBS Radio

What’s on my iPod: “Cheerleader” by OMI
What I’m reading: Satisfaction by Andee Reilly
The last person followed on Twitter: @andeereilly

 Thriving Interview With Huffington Post

Donna Stoneham sits down with Huffington Post to discuss her first book and inspirations.


 “Fit In Before Fall”

Barbara Taylor Sissel and Elise A. Miller are listed on BuzzFeed’s 10 End of Summer Reads To Fit In Before Fall for their recently published novels.


What is Never Said

Author of Never Said, Carol Lynch Williams, speaks with School Library Journal about body image, sexual abuse, and sisterhood.


From Interviews to Characters

Susie Orman discusses balancing her life and turning her interviews into a fictional story with Huffington Post.


News Anchor and Author

Brigitte Quinn interviews with CBS Radio in New York to chat about her debut novel.



Brigitte Quinn Takes Buzzfeed!

Get to know more about the author of Anchored in this fun interview at Buzzfeed!


4 Things Working Moms Can Learn About Balance

Susie Orman Schnall stops by SMRT Parenting to dish on balance and parenting!


Thriving on The Morning Blend!

Donna Stoneham stops by The Morning Blend to talk about the importance of creating kids that thrive.