
This week, we have a lot to share! Joshua Safran, author of FREE SPIRIT: Growing Up On the Road and Off the Grid, was profiled in the San Francisco Chronicle, Christopher Buehlman shared picks for creepy reads on the Huffington Post, Katharine Britton shared a  heartwarming article with San Francisco Book Review about famous dogs in literature, Kate Deveaux shared her three favorite cities on USA Today’s Happy Ever After blog, and TL Costa‘s Playing Tyler was reviewed in the eZine, Pendragon.

What’s on my iPod:  “All Along the Watchtower” by Jimi Hendrix
What I’m reading: The Necromancer’s House by Christopher Buehlman
The last person I followed on Twitter: @Buehlmeister

1. A childhood of adventure, danger.

Joshua Safran and his memoir, FREE SPIRIT: Growing Up On the Road and Off the Grid, were featured in the San Francisco Chronicle. Learn about Joshua’s method for writing his memoir and more, here.




2. Novels That Will Creep You the F*ck Out

Just in time for the Halloween season, author of the newly-released The Necromancer’s House Christopher Buehlman chose “11 Novels That Will Creep You the F*ck Out” for a fun roundup on Huffington Post Books.




3. Who’s top dog?

In a fun and heartwarming article, Katharine Britton shares her opinion on the “Top Dogs in Literature” on San Francisco Book Review. She says, “I always put at least one dog in my manuscripts, mostly because I like dogs and find it comforting to encounter one from time to time in stories: Dogs are loyal, non-judgmental, lovable, heroic, and (generally) lack ego. What’s not to like?”





4. Three tickets to paradise!

Kate Deveaux shared her three favorite cities in a fun new feature on USA Today’s Happy Ever After blog. Which cities did she chose? Click here to find out!




5. Playing Tyler leaves an impression

TL Costa‘s debut YA novel, Playing Tyler, was reviewed by the eZine Pendragon in their most recent issue. Curious what they had to say? Read it all here.
