
Let’s get social!

We are so thrilled to kick off 2016 with our very first content issue – The Social Issue.

Each month we’ll be bringing you fresh, fun and insightful articles. We’ll share tips for authors, book news for readers and tons of entertaining coverage.

This month’s Social Issue gives you an inside look at some of the social media trends we’re seeing in the book world. With do’s and don’ts from your fave female authors, a 2016 social media forecast for authors, tips from veteran authors and even lessons straight from the Kardashian’s social game, we’ve got your social for 2016 covered.

Be sure to sign up for The Spark to get the newest articles delivered straight to your inbox every week, along with giveaways and news.

4 Reasons Instagram is Your Next Favorite #Bookclub





authors share (1)FLOSANA, SKOEWALE The Magical