A Dangerous Year

As the daughter of an American ambassador, seventeen-year-old Riley Collins has grown up in some of the world’s most dangerous cities. With her mother long dead, her unlikely surrogate mom – and her father’s security chief – is the hulking Benson. Tagging after him most of her life, she has learned Benson’s Rules for espionage, combat, and defense.

When Riley is caught up in a violent incident, her father’s current post in Pakistan is no longer safe for her. The State Department steps in, offering an all-expense paid senior year at Harrington Academy, one of the most elite boarding schools in Connecticut. The catch: she must use her tactical skills to keep her eye on roommate Hayden Frasier, the daughter of a tech billionaire. Hayden is notorious for ditching her bodyguards, so Riley’s true purpose must be kept secret from the heiress.

Disturbing signs begin to appear that Riley’s assignment wasn’t the walk in the park she’d been promised. As Riley’s relationship with Hayden thaws into her first opportunity at true friendship, the danger around her roommate heats up. Riley must fight for her life and Hayden’s – and the security of a nation – as those around her reveal themselves to be true friends, or the ultimate betrayers.



Author: Kes Trester

Publication Date: September 26, 2017


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