Tina L. Hook grew up in Orlando, Florida where she earned a Liberal Arts degree from Rollins College. After her early career in South Florida, she eventually settled into small town life near Nashville, Tennessee with her husband and two cats. When she is not daydreaming over a blinking cursor, she is blogging at GirlwithaNewLife.com. Enchanted by Starlight is her first novel.


Be careful what you wish for… While they don’t know it yet, Grace, Skylar, and Alina are connected by destiny when an enchanted comet crosses the night sky. As their most secret ambitions ignite, their ordinary lives take a magical detour down a powerful but dangerous path.

Grace, emerging from her lonely childhood, develops the power to make men fall in love with her. Skylar leaves her impoverished past behind and pursues the social status she has always longed for. Without dreams of her own, Alina covets the power to unravel other lives and seeks revenge. As they crash into and slip away from each other in a cycle of envy, deception, and love lost, these three women are forced to look into their own hearts for the true meaning of enchantment.