Cherilynn M. Veland has worked extensively in psychiatric settings, child welfare agencies, domestic violence, sexual assault, and substance abuse treatment programs, and has consulted for corporate and employee assistance programs. A clinical social worker licensed through the State of Illinois to provide counseling for individuals, couples, and families, Veland holds a master’s degree in social work from the University of Alabama and is a member of the National Association of Social Workers. She currently runs a successful therapy and counseling practice in the Lincoln Park area of Chicago.


Give Away Girls are caring, compassionate people. The problem is, the weight of others’ needs presses so hard on them that they find they often fail to speak up for what they want and need. Give Away Girls are “detrimental caretakers,” and it’s time for them to stop worrying quite so much about everyone else—and start taking care of themselves. In Stop Giving It Away, therapist Cherilynn Veland utilizes her twenty-plus years of counseling experience to untangle what binds so many women to other people’s needs, wants, and expectations, and to build a case for what these women can do to make changes that will help them live more fulfilling personal and professional lives. Illustrating her points with real-life stories of women who—to the detriment of their relationships and personal happiness—have given away too much at home and at work, Veland provides readers with a toolkit for recognizing and analyzing unhealthy behaviors, developing healthy relationship strategies, and setting good personal boundaries. Accessible, entertaining, and illuminating, Give Away Girls is a book for every woman who tends to put everyone else first—and herself last.