B. Celeste was born and raised in Upstate New York where she still resides with her sassy feline sidekick Oliver “Ollie” Queen.

After obtaining a bachelor’s degree in English, she began working toward her master’s in English and Creative Writing to teach aspiring writers how to find their voices. It was then when a term assignment turned into her first venture into the forbidden romance world of writing, and THE TRUTH ABOUT HEARTBREAK was born.

Continuing her writing career full time, B. Celeste continues creating raw, real romance in her favorite genre to bring original stories to life.


I was twelve years old when I met one of the world’s hottest celebrities.

Thirteen when I was welcomed into his family. Fourteen when I realized what his unconditional love felt like. Fifteen when he helped me figure out what hope was. And sixteen when my mother’s biggest lie changed our lives forever.

I swore I would never be like the woman whose chronic lies impacted everybody around her, but then I’d be a hypocrite. Because three years after the truth came out, and I reunited with the boy whose innocent love had been taken from me, I realized I was living the biggest lie of all. The one where I pretended I wasn’t in love with Kyler Bishop.

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