Who needs an author website?

Your author website is one of the most effective and long-term tools to help you promote your books. As the hub for your online platform, your author website makes it easy for readers to learn more about you, find information about and purchase your books, and connect with your author newsletter and social media accounts.

BookSparks has worked with everyone from debut to bestselling authors to help them create dynamic, eye-catching websites, whether they’re showcasing one book or multiple series. Our website designer will work closely with you to customize your site so that it highlights your book and complements your publicity efforts.

What’s included?

Ā All of our websites are custom-designed and built on a WordPress contentĀ management system, allowing you to easily add blog posts,Ā update content, create image galleries, and embed videos andĀ audio files. And your website will be responsive, meaning the contentĀ will shift to make your website easy to use on every device: desktops, mobile phones, and everything in-between.

  • Links to purchase your book(s)Ā from major retailers
  • Links to your social mediaĀ profiles/pages
  • Feeds of your latest socialĀ media posts
  • Easy-to-use blog with buttonsĀ to share your blog posts
  • Automated events page
  • Newsletter signup form +Ā branded newsletter template
  • Contact form
  • Up to 10 total web pages
  • Up to 3 rounds of edits toĀ homepage mockup
  • Up to 3 rounds of edits toĀ staged website
  • Responsive design for optimizedĀ viewing on every device
  • Enhanced security features toĀ protect your site and yourĀ usersā€™ data
  • Google Analytics to track trafficĀ to your site
  • 1 hour of 1-on-1 training
  • Customized website user guide
  • Automatic site backups
  • Basic on-site search engineĀ optimization
  • Automatic image optimizationĀ for faster load speeds
  • Premium spam protection

What Our Sites Look Like

Here are just a few websites we’ve been honored to partner with authors on:


If you’d like to find out more about our author website packages, please send an email to maggie@sparkpointstudio.com.