
We are so thrilled to chat with Judith Hennessey, author of First RodeoHere, Judith shares a few facts about herself and the five books that inspire her!

What’s on your nightstand-

The one to my left always has fresh flowers, a candle, and a picture of my husband and I on our honeymoon. The nightstand to my right has a picture of my son, an alarm clock (that I never use), eyeshades, earplugs, Emmenence Lip Balm, a glass of water and the TV remote.

dream vacationWe just went on my dream vacation! It was to Sicily to trace my family roots with my siblings, husband and son. I highly recommend it. It’s a once in a lifetime, not to missed adventure. We met relatives we didn’t know existed and they even looked like us!

what is your writing process


I sit down in front of my computer and start writing. If I’m feeling blocked I start re-reading and this helps me get into the character’s heads. It’s like being an actor or actress. Then I know what he or she would do next or say and things usually start moving. My most productive time is between 11am and 3pm. If I’m really on a roll I’ll take a break and go for a walk with my dog. Nature totally inspires me, opens my mind and helps me find new ways to express myself. I also like to take a bath at the end of the day. As I soak in the water I’ll rewind in my head what I’ve written that afternoon. Sometimes a better idea will pop up and I’ll use it the next day. I keep my eyes and ears open – everything I see or anything that happens can be used in the creative process. When I’m in the middle of a working on a novel there are many sleepless nights My muses like to talk to me between 3am and 6am.

What books inspire you and why-

Close Range: Wyoming Stories by Annie Proulx. This beautifully written collection of short stories captures the heart, soul and culture of the West.

Sex in the City by Candace Bushnell. The Queen of Chic Lit turned me into a Chic Lit junkie (and Cosmo addict). Need I say more?

Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert. I admire how Ms. Gilbert took so many chances, learning and growing from her many experiences.

Under the Tuscan Sun by Frances Mayes. The sense of place, people and culture are so strong, realistic and entertaining – I feel like I went to Italy and never left my bedroom.

The Artist Way by Julia Cameron. If I had to pick one self-help book for anyone looking to change their life, this would be it. Ms. Cameron gave me the courage and support to “put myself out there” as an artist and writer.

 What book inspires you most? Tell us below!